Running The Patches
There are two patches. One is to patch DiskDoubler INIT and the other is to patch DiskDoubler App. You should be sure to patch both. You will also need to install DiskDoubler Data(3.7.4). (NOTE: although this is DiskDoubler 3.7.6, you still use DiskDoublerData(3.7.4).
Because of the many changes, it is not possible to reconstruct an installable master disk. Intead, we recommend that you copy the patched versions to a backup floppy. Do this after patching, but BEFORE you restart your Macintosh. Otherwise, you won't be able to use DiskDoubler INIT later.
NOTE: Just use the new DiskDoublerData(3.7.4) and DiskDoubler™ Help. These files simply replace what you already have.
WARNING: NEVER change anything on your original master disk. Always keep it as a backup copy.
Step by Step instructions:
1. Install DiskDoubler from your existing master disk (do NOT restart your Macintosh after installing).
2. Run both patcher programs (do NOT restart your Macintosh). This will patch the installed DiskDoubler INIT and DiskDoubler App.
3. Copy the new DiskDoubler App and DiskDoubler INIT to a backup disk along with DiskDoublerData(3.7.4) and DiskDoubler™ Help. Keep this disk as a backup. Do this BEFORE you restart your Macintosh. (See the diagrams below).
4. Copy DiskDoublerData(3.7.4) into the Preferences folder (System 7) or System Folder (System 6). Throw any older versions of DiskDoublerData into the trash.
5. Copy DiskDoubler™ Help into your Extensions folder. (DiskDoubler™ Help is not used under System 6).
6. Restart your Macintosh.
NOTE: If you have any older versions of DiskDoubler App or DDExpand elsewhere on your hard disk you should throw them in the trash.
Here is the way things should be installed under System 7:
Here is the way things should be installed under System 6:
Note that DiskDoubler™ Help is not used under System 6.
ATTENTION DoubleUp Nubus board users:
You will also need to install "Sigma Hardware INIT" in the Extensions folder (system 7) or System Folder (System 6). This file is uploaded separately.
DiskDoubler 3.7.4 cannot expand files created with the DoubleUp board unless the board is installed in the machine. Nor can it create SEAs of files compressed with the DoubleUp board. These restrictions are due to a licensing problem that should be resolved in the near future. You may wish to keep a copy of DDExpand 3.7 or 3.7.1 around should you need to expand files on a machine that doesn't have the DoubleUp board.